Career history : Dominique received his Engineer diploma in 1994 (Supélec) and PhD degree in 1999 (Université de Rennes). Then, He has joined EURECOM ( as research engineer, and finally project leader. He has been part of SDR OpenAirInterface platform ( design and development, mainly focused on the hardware blocks (digital, radiofrequency and antenna). His main research topics are design, test and measurement of 3G/4G/4G+ systems. He has been strongly involved the management of various collaborative projects (PLATON, ERMITAGES and RHODOS, PFMM (Pole SCS), Idromel. DUPLEX,E2R, E2R2, SACRA, ADEL, NewCom, …).
His research areas in the CREMANT will concern adaptive antennas and massive MIMO (Multiple Inputs Multiple Outputs).
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